
What are Single Tooth Implants & Bridges?

Implants and bridges are extremely successful in addressing gaps between teeth.

Improving one's natural appearance

Have a confident chewing experience and savor the natural sensation.

Please make sure that the attachment is securely and permanently attached.

Greatly minimizes bone loss following the extraction of a natural tooth or multiple teeth.

Unlike bridges, adjacent teeth are not affected or harmed in any way by this option.

How it Works

A dental implant consists of three components and serves as a titanium screw foundation to replace one or multiple teeth.

The implant post, also known as the body, is carefully positioned in the jaw to provide a secure anchor.

The abutment acts as a link between the implant post and the crown.

The crown is the part of the mouth that is visible and can also be used to describe an implant bridge that extends over several implants.

Frequently Asked Questions

After a consultation, we will determine the most appropriate treatment plan for you, taking into account the uniqueness of each individual case.
The procedure is quite simple. First, we will insert the implant into your jawbone and allow it to fuse naturally for a period of 4-6 months. Once this integration is complete, we will proceed to take impressions and create your custom tooth. However, please note that if bone grafting is required, it may extend the overall treatment duration.

Dental Implant Timeline

Typically, the process typically takes around 5-6 months from start to finish on average.
For a successful implant integration, it is crucial to meticulously position it in the jaw bone and give it sufficient time for osseointegration. This procedure merges the implant with the neighboring bone tissue, establishing a sturdy base. It is advisable to wait approximately four months for complete integration. Throughout this period, bone cells will grow and adhere to the implant surface, forming a secure bond. By following this approach, patients can expect long-lasting implant success and durability for their dental requirements.
To ensure proper gum shaping, it is important to expose implants for a period of two weeks. This step is crucial for promoting healing and ensuring long-term success. Additionally, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene and avoid putting pressure on the implants. Allowing the gums to settle will lead to a better outcome. It is advised to follow the guidance provided by your dental professional.
For the best quality and accuracy, please send your impressions to an external laboratory. Their advanced technology and expertise will ensure a superior final product. Although the process may take around 3-4 weeks, the wait will be worthwhile. The lab will carefully create your abutment and crown to seamlessly blend with your natural teeth. We prioritize your comfort and satisfaction, and we guarantee a durable and visually appealing restoration. We appreciate your cooperation and patience. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
The abutment and crown have been positioned and any required modifications have been completed.

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